Live Bait Systems
- Quiet economical operation, plus easy to service and maintain.
- Attractively designed with durable construction, formica covered cabinet on Heavy Duty casters.
- Exclusive Caribbean Blue insulated fiber glass tanks that are marine life compatible.
- Biological, odor free multi-stage filtering system which features minimum maintenance.
- Uniform, high volume total recirculation to keep the water fresher.
- Chiller Unit that keeps the water at a consistent pre-set temperature which you select.
- Automatic water intake and leveling, which you can adjust.
- Fresh water intake filter, built in to handle filtering needs of either municipal or private well water.
- Efficient, quiet air compressor with an easy to clean and maintain in-tank diffuser circulation system.
- Ultra violet light in the water recirculation line to control the unwanted bacteria.
- Oxygen dispenser nozzle and a bucket filler faucet with packaging bucket to speed up customer service.
- Self service minimum maintenance system with an owners manual and operating instructions.12 gallon tank can hold up to 20 pounds of leeches.